Siri for administrations

Siri for administrations 400 400 Davos Digital Forum

Siri for administrations

Stream 3 – Expert exchange

Time: 16:20 – 16:40

Easy communication is important!

With cloud-based software solutions, government agencies and businesses can today already be supported to simplify their administrative communication processes by adding interactive AI-based digital assistants to forms, requests and applications.

  • How can cities, municipalities and companies simplify their bureaucratic processes and make them accessible to all social groups both quickly and digitally?
  • How can administrations and companies start digitization on their own?

In this workshop, the use of digital assistants to facilitate the work of administrations will be explained and examined in detail. Practical examples will take you into the world of digital administrative assistants

Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen

Tushaar Bhatt

Especially recommended for:

  • Employees in cities + municipalities who are involved in constantly recurring tasks such as travel expense accounting, holiday applications, employment contracts, etc.
  • Decision-makers, specialists and project managers in the cities and municipalities who wish to develop administrative services that can be accessed digitally

Stream 1 – Ideen sammeln
Sie suchen nach ersten Ideen wie Themen angepackt werden können. Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.

Stream 2 – Kenntnisse vertiefen
Sie haben sich mit dem Thema schon auseinandergesetzt und wollen wissen wie andere mit ähnlichen Themen umgehen. Erste Kenntnisse sind erwünscht.

Stream 3 – Experten Austausch
Sie kennen das Thema bereits und wollen sich mit anderen Experten austauschen.

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