Corporate Impact Projects

Corporate Impact Projects 350 200 Davos Digital Forum

Co-Creation Program to fight Health injustice

Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen


More than 1 in 2 adults are overweight or obese in OECD countries. Mexico as the largest consumer of ultra-processed food and soft drinks in Latin America is among the top 3. Rates are projected to increase dramatically.

We can no longer ignore the impact of

  • obesity,
  • especially affecting women, as a result of
  • social and
  • health inequalities.

It is time for cross-disciplinary action.

With global collective synergies and powerful collaboration, SYNERGISTAS co-created together with the Mexican Cluster Médico Jalisco and the Jalisco Government a program to fight the root cause of millions of preventable deaths.

Mobile health caravans equipped with state-of-the-art digital health technologies travel through the country and accelerate health

  • promotion,
  • detection,
  • monitoring and
  • prevention.

By establishing a digital platform that aggregates and seamlessly connects diverse point of care solutions. This way care delivery in remote areas is transformed.
Our Co-Creation Program enables conscious and sustainable change with the objective to decrease the negative impacts on the economy and overall well-being of the population.

Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen

Elisa Frenz

Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen

Katrin Sirach

Registrierung geschlossen / registration closed

Meet the Speaker

Nach den längeren Workshops haben die Teilnehmer die Chance im „Meet the Speaker Bereich“ sich mit den Speakern live während 15 Minuten auszutauschen. Dieser Bereich ist nur für Teilnehmer reserviert, die bei der Registrierung eine kleine Spende (Betrag selbst definiert) machen.

Meet the Speaker

After longer workshops you will have the chance to meet the speakers in the „meet the speaker area“ for 15 minutes. This area is reserved for participants, who made a small donation (self defined amount) during the registration.

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