Smart City international overview

Smart City international overview 250 140 Davos Digital Forum

Analysis of Application Areas and their Potential in an International Context

Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen


With the

  • continuous growth of the world’s population,
  • increased pollution levels,
  • global warming,
  • resource scarcity,
  • lack of physical and social infrastructure,
  • hyper-urbanization as well
  • as changes driven by the fast-advancing technology sector,

there is a need for fresh input to the strategic development of cities. In the battle for cost-effectiveness and ensuring environmental stability, it is of utmost importance that cities alter their strategies and approaches to achieve higher efficiency in all domains.

The Smart City – its Holistic Approach of Application Areas and their Potential

Smart cities apply new solutions because of the significant demographic shift and urbanization.

  • How is a smart city constituted?
  • In which domains is a successful smart city active?
  • Which are a smart city’s leverage drivers that lead to its full potential?

How does a holistic strategic approach of a smart city’s application areas contribute to achieving its maximum potential?

Especially recommended for:

  • Managers of the governmental and public sector
  • Innovation managers
  • IT directors
  • Transport and construction companies
Davos Digital Forum - Digitalisierung in der Praxis mit Anwendungsbeispielen
Project Manager Games & Competition at Swiss Paralympic

Lea Wiprächtiger

Registrierung geschlossen / registration closed

Meet the Speaker

Nach den längeren Workshops haben die Teilnehmer die Chance im „Meet the Speaker Bereich“ sich mit den Speakern live während 15 Minuten auszutauschen. Dieser Bereich ist nur für Teilnehmer reserviert, die bei der Registrierung eine kleine Spende (Betrag selbst definiert) machen.

Meet the Speaker

After longer workshops you will have the chance to meet the speakers in the „meet the speaker area“ for 15 minutes. This area is reserved for participants, who made a small donation (self defined amount) during the registration.

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